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Category Archives For: College Tips

College Tips, Life Skills, Mental Health
Sleep Madness
July 1, 2024
Do you get a full eight hours of sleep? Seven? Six? Less? Back in the...
College Tips, Life Skills, Mentorship
Getting the Internship: Application and Interview Tips
June 1, 2024
With today’s highly competitive job market, internships and experience have become essential, if not mandatory,...
College Tips, General Thoughts, Life Skills
May 1, 2024
If you’re in college, a senior in high school, or just a student right now,...
College Tips, Mentorship
Navigating College: The Commuter Perspective
April 1, 2024
The college experience is often perceived as the period to have fun and grow professionally...
College Tips, Life Skills
Maximize Your First Year In College
March 1, 2024
I remember my first day of college it was pouring rain, I didn’t know where...
College Tips, Life Skills, Mentorship
Beyond the Classroom: The Value of Real-world Learning
February 1, 2024
Schools and classrooms have always been the environment in which we acquire the foundation of...
College Tips, Life Skills
Building Healthy Habits
November 1, 2023
Being in college is very demanding, and many professionals recall it being the busiest time...
College Tips, Life Skills
Setting SMART Goals for Personal and Professional Development
October 1, 2023
We all have dreams and aspirations, but turning them into reality often requires more than...
College Tips, Financial Aid, Financial Literacy, Life Skills
College and COVID – An A360 Experience
August 10, 2020
Welcome to college! Oh, by the way, please move out by tomorrow!! We’re in a...
College Tips, Life Skills, Mentorship
LinkedIn Day: The Power of a Network
October 1, 2018
How did you get your current job? I’m teaching at my school because when my...

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